Essays and Features
Poet, Publisher, Painter, and Patron of the Arts: Remembering the Extraordinary Etel Adnan (1925-2021)
Lebanese-American writer Etel Adnan, beloved by many for her ‘meditative’ voice and colorful language in writing, passed away on November 14 in Paris at 96, leaving behind an evocative legacy of poetry, novels, and art that vividly depicted war, history, and nature.
Arab Publishing Industry Drowning in Tsunami of Economic, Social Crises
Fadwa Tuqan: A Romantic Feminist Poet and Reluctant Political Witness
Egyptian Belly Dance Losing Touch with Roots as Cultural Phenomenon
Belly dance in Egypt has undergone major cultural and social transformations since the mid-20th century. Dancers often perform at live gatherings and across social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. However, belly dancing as an art form has become redefined in today’s age. It has increasingly been the target of criticism, the latest being a claim by Abdel Halim in Al Araby that the dance has deteriorated further under neoliberalism.
Rethinking Who is an Arab American: Arab American Studies in the New Millennium
Founded in Egypt by Lebanese Immigrants, Legendary Al Ahram Newspaper Marks 145th Anniversary
Beauty Before Age Remains Dominant Casting Trend in Arab Film
Despite Spending by Local Arab Media, Foreign-Owned Media Platforms Continue to Win Struggle for Trust of Audience
How Politics and Prizes Are Strangling Arab Literature!
Arab literary prizes sabotage Arab literature, according to Syrian novelist Khalil al-Naimi in an interview with Al-Quds Al-Arabi.