Documenting Arab Women Literature
Beyond the Rupture: Reconciling Islam with Modernity
The Many Voices of Arab Women in America
Legacy of Noted Lebanese Critic Collected in Book: Nezar Mrouhe Offers Candid Thoughts on Lebanese and Arabic Music
In the Beginning Was Beirut, and Beirut Was the Wor(l)d
Oasis of Storytelling: Narrative as a Tool for Change in Jewish-Palestinian Dialogue
Dialogue With Hassan al-Turabi Reveals Enigmatic, Complex Islamist Intellectual
Caskets and Rape: The Prison in Iran's Islamic Republic, a review of Chahla Chafiq's "The New Islamist Man: The Political Prison in Iran"
The Road to Barbarism: What Constitutes Civilization?
Two Books 'Leaving Beirut,' 'Baghdad Diaries' Explore Dark Side of War